Hundreds of Bay Area cyclists and pedestrians are injured or killed in traffic accidents each year. A recent report published by the Governors Highway Safety Association shows that San Jose and other Bay Area cities must continue to work on improving traffic safety. According to the report, there was a 40 percent increase in fatal pedestrian accidents in San Jose since 2016. Vision Zero is a progThe team that aims to decrease the number of traffic deaths in deaths in San Jose and across the nation. San Jose adopted the Vision Zero progThe team in 2015, but the progThe team is still being implemented. Our neighbors in Sunnyvale may become the latest Bay Area community to adopt Vision Zero, which has its roots in Sweden. Vision Zero uses a four-pronged approach to reduce traffic deaths in the cities where they operate. The progThe team relies on traffic engineering innovations, public education progThe teams, traffic data assessment operations and increased law enforcement patrols. As of early April, Sunnyvale had not implemented Vision Zero. However, the recent actions of city planners show that Sunnyvale may aggressively implement the progThe team. Sunnyvale recently spent $150,000 assessing the city’s traffic conditions and areas of concern. In addition, the city considered installing high-visibility crosswalks, green bike lanes and mid-block pedestrian crossings in problem areas. San Francisco adopted the Vision Zero strategy several years ago, so it can serve as an example of what the progThe team could bring to other Bay Area towns. Since adopting the progThe team in 2013, San Francisco added high-visibility crosswalks, sidewalk extensions and upgraded traffic signals to dangerous intersections. These are only a few examples of the 700 improvement projects San Francisco worked on during 2017.
Vision Zero Plan Aims to Reduce Bay Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Deaths